Fritillaria 'Early Dream'

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Fritillaria 'Early Dream'


‘Early dream’ has dreamy pale orange flowers. Grows about 3ft and blooms around the time the last tulips are still blooming.

zone 4-9 , fall planting only

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Fritillarias are members of the Lily family. For the best results, they should be planted in the fall, since they bloom late April/ Early May. Frtillarias require a well drained soil and prefer a dry summer. They are very cold hardy. The stem will start to die back early summer and it will go summer dormant. So don’t worry if the stem turns yellow during the summer. Unlike most other bulbs, it’s best to plant a large Fritillaria bulb on its side, this way the hole on the top where last years stem was located will not collect water during a wet period and possibly cause internal rot. Plant the bulbs about 5-6” deep

Fritillarias produce a musky scent, this scent does come with a great benefit, it repels deer, rodents and moles from your garden!