‘Silver Scheherazade’™

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‘Silver Scheherazade’™


‘Silver Scheherazade’™ (LG)
In over 30 years of hybridizing and cultivating lilies, we can count on one hand the rare mutations that have appeared in our fields.  How delightful that one of them is ‘Silver Scheherazade,’ which is a luminous, moonlit version of our own ‘Scheherazade.’  Its blossoms can shade into moonlit cream when UV light is intense, and even feature a light blush of peach pink when night temperatures are cool.  It always shows its delicate rose whiskers, the perfect complement to its moon garden loveliness.  As we have propagated this wonderful lily, it has proven to be as garden-worthy as its namesake, standing up to hail, frost, harsh winters and scorching summers alike!  
4 to 6 feet, mid August. 

Hardy in Zones 4 - 8

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