Trumpet Voluntaire Collection

Trumpet Voluntaire Collection

from $22.00

Trumpet Voluntaire Collection includes Trumpet lilies of all colors and forms: pink, white, yellow and orange. These lilies are superb in the garden, prized for their long trumpet flowers and incredibly sweet scent.
4 to 5 feet, July.

Hardy in Zones 4 - 8
(In zone 4, mulch well and protect from late spring frosts.)


(See note below.)

Trumpet Voluntaire seeds also available.


Number of bulbs per unit:
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In selecting Number of bulbs per unit - 12, or Number of bulbs per unit - 24, you will receive a progressively discounted rate.

If you want 36 bulbs, order Quantity: 1 of Number of bulbs per unit - 24 PLUS Quantity: 1 of Number of bulbs per unit - 12.
(This will result in a better price than ordering Quantity: 3 of Number of bulbs per unit: 12.)

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